We are so thankful for the expert gardeners, farmers and backyard enthusiasts who were cool enough to test out our fertilizers in their gardens


"So far the plants are looking really good. Everything is a beautiful shade of green. The plants I'm growing have good foliage and flowers."



"The JavaCycle fertilizer is a nice product without a chemical smell, like some products, but a coffee smell. I first used it as a fertilizer in my new starts by adding one cup of fertilizer to one gallon of soil. My plants grew well and vigorous. I then used the JavaCycle fertilizer on my established plants outside. I sprinkled the fertilizer around the base of my plants. Once again it helped with the plants growth and had a nice coffee smell. There was no lingering "fertilizery" smell." 



"I've been impressed with the performance of JavaCycle for deep winter greenhouse production. JavaCycle, added to my planting medium according to package recommendations, has produced vibrant, tender and tasty greens. I've noted that the planters with JavaCycle have produced multiple cuttings of delectable greens."


“I didn’t do a control plant, but can say that my tomatoes are larger and have more blossoms than ever seen by this time! Nothing creepy inside, actually smells good and so far, great results! Next year - I’ll try on more of my plants for sure.” Norah T. Minneapolis, MN

“I think the fertilizer works really well! My planters are doing great, much bigger and healthier than they have been in past years. My cucumbers are humungus this year!!” Dan N. Minneapolis, MN

“I do a lot of gardening - indoor and outdoor. I LOVE this product! This year using JavaCycle fertilizer was the first time I’ve been successful starting tomatoes indoors from seed and transplanting them into my garden!” Jess S. Minneapolis.

“We’ve been planting the garden and flowers in the same spots for over 30 years and thanks to JavaCycle - this year is the best its ever looked!” Carl B Itasca, MN